1. ferry crossing: double diamond pattern: quilt-top
fused plastic, permanent marker, sewing, 35 x 48 inches, 2018/2019
Activation: July 14th, 2023 on the Toronto Island Ferry, crossing Toronto Inner Harbor, Ontario, Canada Photo taken by: Colleen Abel
24 x 30 inch photo
2. conservatory: emergent scrap diamond quilt
Fused plastic, fabric scraps, sewing, fabric backing, 2020
Activation: August 23rd, 2023 at the Plant Biology Conservatory, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
24 x 30 inch photo
3. greenpoint ave: emergent triangle pattern quilt-top
fused plastic, sewing, 26 x 30 inches, 2020
Activation: October 7th, 2023 at the Greenpoint subway station, under Brooklyn, NY
24 x 30 inch photo
4. studio: Jupiter banner on blue
fused plastic, cut paper, additional acrylic painting by Griffin Abel, sewing
Approx 36 x 48 inches
Activation: May 21, 2024, South Studios Complex at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
24 x 30 inch photo
5. White River: A quilt for Griffin
Fabric scraps from sample books, remnants and worn bandanas, sewing
Approx 26 x 36 inches
Activation: July 25, 2024 in the White River, just outside White River Juntcion, VT.
Photo taken by Griffin Abel
24 x 30 inch photo